SciVation Xtend (Original Formula) Review



The next subject of my review section is a personal favorite and after reading this posting you will want to run out to your local GNC ($34.99) or head online to ($19.99) and buy a 30 serving size container.  Today’s subject will be SciVation’s Xtend.  If you know anything about weightlifting or working out in general, you know that you get sore and need to replenish your essential amino acids while you workout, not just after.  According to, Xtend receives a 9.2/10 or an Excellent rating.  I am going to have to agree with this rating simply because of the feeling you get while on the product.  You aren’t going to get ripped from simply just taking Xtend, but it will give you the stamina to go harder in the gym.  What Xtend will also do for you is increase your recovery time so you can get back out in the gym quicker and reach your optimal goals.  Let’s find out what makes up this product and makes it honestly the best BCAA product on the market today.

First on the label, we have Vitamin B6, which is involved in the metabolism of protein and carbohydrates, the production of insulin and red and white blood cells, and the synthesis of neurotransmitters.  Xtend contains 10 milligrams of Vitamin B6 per serving size (2 scoops), so the more you put in your body, the greater the effect.  Next, we have L-Leucine, which is utilized by the body in the liver and muscle tissue.  When used for dietary purposes it can stimulate muscle synthesis (growth).  Too much leucine can be toxic for the body.  Next is L-Glutamine, which helps aid in muscle recovery, muscle growth, as well as in the treatment of serious illnesses, injury, trauma, burns and some cancer treatments.  Isoleucine may help provide the oxidation of muscle cells, or in simpler terms, it provides large amounts of oxygen to your cells so that they may grow.  Valine comes from Valerian Root, which may help relax muscles.  BCAAs are very useful for those looking to lose fat and gain lean muscle.  Consumption of large amounts of BCAAs may cause the body to retain large amounts of Nitrogen, a process known as Nitrogen Retention.  Large amounts of Nitrogen in the body help aid the digestive process and is a natural muscle relaxant.  The last ingredient on the label is Citrulline Malate, which may relax blood vessels while also producing large amounts of Nitric Oxide, and making the body feel as if it is full of energy and improving your overall feeling of well-being.

So as you can see, the ingredients on Xtend are very simple and to the point.  There are no fillers as there are in many other products you may see out on the market today, and what you see is what you get.  You can now understand by watching any of Marc Lobliner’s videos on Muscle & Strength or YouTube why he consistently relies on this product intra-workout.  I can only talk so much about how great this product is and what a difference it makes in the lives of anyone who is serious about training, but you need to go get a 30 serving supply for yourself.  Serving size is two scoops for anyone under 160 lbs, four scoops for anyone between 160 lbs and 180 lbs, and anyone who is over 180 lbs you should take six scoops.  Let me tell you, I weigh roughly 255 lbs and taking four scoops does the trick for me right now.  It provides me with what I need throughout my workout and even throughout my day if I so choose to drink it before my workouts.  After reviewing this product, I agree with, it is Excellent, but I give SciVation’s Xtend a 10/10 rating. 

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